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Mar, 2020

How To Keep Records For Your Real Estate Business

Anyone who is looking to build a successful real estate business needs to keep meticulous records. When buying and selling property, there are a lot of tax and legal responsibilities. While some people may not want to think about this issue, the IRS may audit a real estate business. In this case, it is critical to have documentation that demonstrates proof of income as well as any credits or deductions that might have been claimed.
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Feb, 2020

Home Improvements That May Improve Resale Value

Did you know that some home improvements lower the resale value of a home and decrease the number of potential buyers? If you are going to repaint the exterior of your home bright, traffic-cone orange and try to sell it for a high price, think again! Maybe, if the artist Pablo Picasso once lived there that might work, but probably not under any other circumstances.